Wednesday, June 18, 2008

week 3 blog #4

For my last concept I chose positive face needs because I feel that this is something very important to have or to say something to someone especially in a work environment or in your own family. In the book, positive face needs refers to the desire to be with whom we interact communicate messages that reflect appreciation for us and reinforce a view of ourselves as competent, likable, and sharing common interests. It's always very nice to hear when I am doing something great at work, or even having a supervisor say, "thanks for your help." It really makes me want to work so much harder for that person to show that I am a good worker and have a positive attitude. It shows that my supervisor sees that I am working hard and acknowledges the fact that I put in so much in what I do. That's why at work, because I'm more of a supervisor, I always strive to tell the people I work with, "Thanks for all your help, you guys were awesome." Even when it comes to family or school. When you hear from a teacher that your paper was great or "great job on your exam," it makes you feel great inside.

1 comment:

jdmINT said...

Hi Ramirez,

I agree that positive affirmation can help motivate people to work harder. Sometimes knowing that you are needed and appreciated gives you extra energy to take things to the next level. I think people do tend to gravitate toward those who will compliment them and make them feel better about themselves.