Thursday, June 12, 2008

week 2 blog

The second word that I have chosen for this week's blog was attribution. I really liked this word because it deals with why or how someone behaves or does a certain thing or responds a different way. It's a cause of an action or behavior in which someone reacts to something for a certain reason. I really enjoyed the meaning of this word because everyone has or goes through this at some point in their lives. We all communicate differently and respond differently to a certain situation or problem. If a teacher were to tell me that I was failing the class and probably wouldn't pass, I would be devastated. I would probably start stressing out and crying. For other people to hear that same news would probably react differently. SOme wouldn't care, or some would start yelling, or some may even try to convince the teacher to pass them through bribery. Some people may take it to the extreme and others would let it pass and think, "there's always next time." People communicate and react differently.

1 comment:

kcee said...

Great example on how people react different to situations they are in. I am more of a calm relaxed person so certain things don't bother me or upset and on the other hand my mom is the opposite and things I don't care about are the same things she worries about. Everyone reacts different to situations and I think it's keeps things interesting.