Monday, June 16, 2008

Chapter 7 blog

The concept that I chose for chapter 7 was self-disclosure because to me I can very much relate to this concept like most everybody else. The book defines self-disclosure as broadly defined, refers to any information you offer about yourself. Most everyone self-discloses information about his/herself because that individual may not feel comfortable telling another person about their peronal life or problem. There is a lack of trust that one individual could have with another and that's ok. Especially if those two individuals haven't known each other for a while yet. If I just started working at a new job, I wouldn't tell my coworker about my relationship or family problems, nor would i tell him/her what I hate about the job. Why? Simply because I don't know if I could trust that individual. How do I know she's going to spread my business around or tell my boss that I hate certain things about the job already? I wouldn't know if I could trust that person or if that person would back stab me. Another example would be not trusting a person already. I know that everyone has experienced this already. If you work with someone or is friends with some but you know you can't trust her, you wouldn't tell her anything. I have a friend who I met through work and see every once-in-a-while, but when she asks how I'm doing or asks something that's personal, I give short answers because I know she'll tell everyone. I self-disclose myself to certain people as do other people. Communication is a big thing, and if I feel threatened on telling someone something, I wouldn't.


Rock N Roll said...

Goofy, I agree with your post. I definitely have a hard time trusting someone I meet for the very first time. I truly have to know the person before I can disclose anything. I liked how you described a scenario about if you had started working at a new job, you wouldn’t want to disclose things to your coworkers. I definitely agree with you on that because you never know what other employees would do with that information you tell them. Especially if you hardly even know them.

Danishgris said...

I have also a hard time to find trust in everyone. Just like you, Goofy, I don’t tell much of my personal life to someone who I for sure know will tell someone else. The words go around very fast. Even within my relatives (because I live at my cousin’s house). When she knows something new about me, trust me, within the next 12 hours, my aunt, cousins, nieces, and nephews know it all. Therefore, the only person that I trust the most is my boyfriend who I tell EVERYTHING to. But this was because we went trough some stages and he always said: “You never tell your problems with me.” So, I have learned to disclose my personal information and problems with him.